A Complete Guide to The 30 Day Shred Diet and Workout Program by Jillian Michaels
The 30 Day Shred is a workout program and a meal plan developed by the celebrity fitness trainer Jillian Michaels.
This program is very easy to get the hang ofand at the same time a highly efficient way to lose weight and get in shape. It is designed to get the job done in less than 25 minutes per day, so hard work, dripping sweat, and no recovery breaks are some of the things you should expect.
It is designed so that the great meal plan will give you all the energy you’ll need for the workouts and keep you going throughout the day. Its a great 30 day exercise and diet plan to lose weight.
The Basics of the Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred Program
The program includes a 4 week meal schedule and 3 workout levels. The duration of each workout level depends on your fitness level. Nothing is fixed so you can fit them into your daily schedule to suit yourself, but you must do them.
Each level is about 25 minutes, so you’ll have no trouble fitting it into your schedule. Even though they are over pretty quickly, they will leave you covered in sweat.
The workouts are based on Jillian’s signature 3-2-1 interval format, which ensures that you hit the 3 fundamental aspects of fitness: resistance, cardio, and core.
Each circuit consists of 3 minutes of resistance training, followed by 2 minutes of cardio and high intensity interval training (HIIT) and 1 minute of active recovery with core work. This exercise format makes you use your whole body and therefore burn many more calories than a normal workout.
Besides the 3 workout levels, you get a full 30 day meal plan. Even though the meals Jillian recommends are great, the plan is not so strict and if you don’t have some ingredients at the moment, you can always replace them with ingredients with similar nutritional value.
The 30 Day Shred Schedule
Most people do each level for 10 days to avoid getting bored. However, you can adjust this according to your needs.
If the workouts are easy for you, you can always do level 2 and 3 for 15 days each. Note that you need to follow your body and take your time.
As any other weight loss program, consistency is the key here. Jillian recommends that you work out 6 times a week, but that can be too draining for some people. If that’s the case, you can work out 4 times a week, but try not to go any lower than that.
The exercises can be done either at night or in the morning, whatever works best for you. However, when you pick a time for your workouts, make sure you stick to it and work out every day in the same time.
The meal plan, on the other hand, is divided into 4 weeks. You should have 3 main meals and 1 snack per day ensuring you feel satisfied throughout the day. The meals are carefully designed to provide you with all the vital nutrients you need in order to excel in the workouts and still have energy for your daily activities.
The 30 Day Meal Plan on Jillian Michaels Shred Program
Even with killer workouts that will leave you exhausted, no 30 day weight loss program will work without a proper meal plan. That’s why the program includes a 30 day meal plan to help you achieve maximum results.
Even though the plan includes lots of meals and recipes, they are mostly based on the same nutrition principles that Jillian follows: stock up on carbohydrates for breakfast, have protein throughout the day, and consume protein and cooked vegetables for dinner.
You should also avoid foods high in sodium and fat, and low in fiber, such as bacon, French fries, chips, crackers, or pretzels.
However, as long as you stick to any other healthy and balanced diet, you’ll still achieve the same results on this great 30 day exercise and diet plan to lose weight
Breakfast on Jillian Michaels Shred Program
The high carbohydrates consumption for breakfast allows you to kick-start your mornings and preserve energy throughout the day.
Most breakfasts in the 30 day meal plan include whole-grain food and fruit which are a good source of complex carbohydrates, fiber and essential vitamins and minerals. Organic yogurt is also a main ingredient in breakfasts as it is rich in probiotics that ease the digestion process and helps the body absorb more nutrients.
Lunch on Jillian Michaels Shred Program
A high protein intake during the day will contribute to a healthy muscle mass, and that’s the key for giving it your all during the workouts.
Most lunches in the 30 day meal plan include fish and vegetables, both high in protein, omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants and minerals, increasing satiety and promoting heart and brain health.
Snack on Jillian Michaels Shred Program
Snacking between meals is extremely important as it balances blood sugar levels and keeps you satisfied. Just make sure to choose carefully and snack foods high in good fats and fiber.
Most snacks in the 30 day meal plan include nuts and fruits, a great source of essential vitamins and fiber. Studies show that people who follow diet plans that include nuts stick to their diets better and lose more weight on average.
Dinner on Jillian Michaels Shred Program
A high protein dinner ensures optimal energy and satiety throughout the day and helps repair the muscles after a hard workout.
Most dinners in the 30 day meal plan include, fish, chicken and cooked vegetables.
Workout Plan for Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred Program
Jillian believes that every single muscle should be used to remove the excess fat and tone your body. Expect nothing less than a killer workout that will strengthen all the muscles in your body. This shouldn’t come as a surprise, considering that Jillian Michaels is also called “America’s Toughest Trainer”. That is why Jillian was able to come up with such a great 30 day exercise and diet plan to lose weight.
As we already mentioned, there are three levels of workouts, each harder than the previous one, and they are supposed to be completed in 10 days.
If the workouts just seem too hard for you, you don’t need to worry. Alongside Jillian, there’s a modifier that shows easier variations of the moves so you can just follow her. There’s also another modifier doing harder variations, so you can follow her if the workouts are easy for you or if you’ve been doing them for a long time.
How does the Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred Program format improve your fitness?
The workouts utilize the 3-2-1 interval format, a signature of Jillian Michaels, so each workout has three circuits.
The first circuit, or the resistance training, consists of two 30-second sets of different moves which are repeated for 3 minutes. This circuit is an excellent way to burn fat and boost your resting metabolism. It also makes your body burn fat even after you finish with the workout. Additionally, it maintains muscle and bone density.
The second circuit, or the high intensity cardio training, is the most efficient way to burn fat. It’s much better than steady-state cardio like biking or hiking.
Combining the resistance training and high intensity cardio is called metabolic conditioning. This allows your body to push its limits and build strength, all while getting toned.
The last circuit, or the core workout, has many positive benefits, such as improving posture, balance, and increasing overall performance.
The advantages and disadvantages of Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred Program
One of the best things about this program is the short duration of the workouts and the flexible diet plan. We all live a hectic life, so getting an effective workout in less than 30 minutes is a luxury.
Additionally, the many different types of exercises hugely benefit your body by combining more muscle groups and burning much more calories than other workout programs and the diet plan makes you lose weight and gives you enough energy to go through the workouts without feeling dizzy.
It’s also suitable for everyone, no matter their fitness level. The modifier next to Jillian does easier variations of the exercises, so if you find it difficult to follow Jillian, you can choose the easier of the exercise plans. The ability to vary your program makes this a great 30 day exercise and diet plan to lose weight.
You also don’t need access to a gym so you no longer need to waste your precious time driving to the gym and back and pay high gym fees. Additionally, all the equipment you’ll need is two dumbbells and a mat. This is extremely important for gaining consistency as there’s no hassle of setting up your workout space and you can start with the workout right away.
Besides saving on gym fees and equipment investments, the whole program costs less than 10 dollars, which is absurd for the results you’ll get.
However, no workout program is flawless, and the 30 day shred is no exception. One major limitation is that the program requires exercising six days a week. Nonetheless, if your muscles get extremely sore and you are no longer able to keep up, you can always do it four times a week. Remember, always listen to your body and build up your fitness steadily.
Does the 30 day Shred Program Work?
Based on multiple reviews from people who tried the program, they seem to love it and claim all the hard work and dedication was well worth it in the end.
Even though some people didn’t lose exactly 20 pounds in 30 days, they’re still satisfied as they managed to greatly improve their fitness. The general advice is to take before and after pictures because the real results can’t always be seen on a weight scale.
So, does it work? Yes!
And the verdict on 30 Day Shred is…
If you want fast and effective results and don’t have time or money for the gym, you should definitely try this program. Even though it might seem pretty difficult at first, it’s probably the best 30 day exercise and diet plan to lose weight and tone your body.
Even if you already go to the gym or do other physical activity, you should still get this program and do it whenever you don’t have time or energy for the gym.
This weight loss program is super affordable and as a result this author rates the 30 Day Shred Program 4.5 stars out of 5, not because it doesn’t deserve 5 stars for its cost and effectiveness, but simply because the tough schedule might be too difficult for people who are extremely out of shape.