About Us

Hi, My name is Suzanne Taylor and I am passionate about helping people live healthy lives. I have built this site because there are so many How to Lose weightways to lose weight that it can be confusing when you start. The idea of this weight loss comparison site is to give a completely unbiased review of all the different ways to lose weight, both paid and free – the things you can do for yourself – so that you can make a choice about the method of weight loss which will suit you the best.



As well as the information about weight loss programs that you will find here, I will be publishing stories from people who have lost -or not Dr J Howard BSc (Ost Med) Msc (Paed Ost)lost – weight in different ways. Generally there are ways of doing things which suit some people and not others, but there is always a way. Have a look at all the different options we put out there, narrow down the field of likely methods of weight loss which will suit you, choose one and give it a go.

As time progresses we will be adding more and more to the site, so keep your eyes open and pop back for a visit every now and then in case the piece of golden information you need turns up.

We wish you the all the best of luck and if you have a story about your weight loss history that you would like to share, please send it to me and if we can put it in the articles section we will.

Stay happy! From Suzanne Taylor weight loss expert.